May is my favourite month – Spring has definitely arrived, we have lots of family birthdays and this year is extra special as we celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III – and we have 3 bank Holiday Mondays!

May also marks the beginning of village Fair season as we look forward to the wonderful Coldharbour Fair on Saturday 20th – lots of fabulous traditional stalls, crafts and music with a Coronation theme this year!

In the Church Calendar on Sunday 28th May we celebrate Pentecost. What, I hear you ask is that all about?

Pentecost, or Whitsun, remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit as he descended onto the disciples and other followers of Jesus in the upper room following Jesus, death, resurrection, and ascension. It was an unnerving time full of unanswered questions, confusion and fear. Then the Holy Spirit came filling the people with a renewed sense of calling, a hope for the future and confidence that they now had a guide, comforter and ally to help them live the way Jesus had taught them.

He is still with us – available to all and my prayer is that we all encounter the Holy Spirit afresh this May.

With love, Rev’d Kia, May 2023

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