Churchyard Graves [Q]

Select a letter here to view relevant grave details. Only identified and/or photographed graves shown here. Click on thumnails for larger picture. Grave locations link opens in What3Words.

QUARTON, Christopher

Register: B1040 Died: 29-Dec-2016 Buried: Buried (ashes): 20-Apr-2017 Aged: 71

W3W location: vote.bridge.summer

Comments: By south-east wall.

Christopher John Quarton 1945-2016. "Once met never forgotten. Our rock, eternally loved."

QUARTON, Sarah Gordon

Register: B831 Died: 16-Dec-1988 Buried: Buried (ashes): 22-Dec-1988 Aged: 39

Comments: Ashes at head of grave. Next to CJ Quarton (2016)

Darling Sara. She loves us - we love her. Sara Gordon Quarton 1988 - 16 Dec

Updated: 18-Apr-2024